Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Defining Any Particular Definitive Response

From initial glance at Picasso's painting I would think there wasn't any sexual energy in it. What's seems exceptionally curious to me is the pure amount of anything that can be claimed as being in that picture. For example, if I start talking about how war is an intricate part of the painting, do you see war elements within it? Perhaps sadness? Happiness? Aging? Youth? Maybe this dynamic doesn't apply to you, but it certainly does to me. I could see anything that I wanted to see in a painting like this. If sexuality is in fact meant to be in the painting, it's probably lesbianism due to the substantial difference between the women and her reflection. Honestly though, where do I get off making any statement like that? I therefore conclude that Picasso's art is a pure masterpiece do to the fact that I can literally see anything I choose to within it.

I felt kind of ripped off reading the poems in direct relation to the painting. It's sad, but unfortunately true. I like finding my own perspective or insight about peaces of art, whether it be a painting or a poem. I found it increasingly agitating to have another's perspective on work that is not their own in an environment that I felt forced to look at them in conjunction with each other within.

From my perspective, any work of art has power only in that which I learn about myself from it. I cannot definitively say that the creator of the work is any particular way of being or has any unusual approach, for I am not the creator. The only thing that I have any true knowledge of is myself. I suppose I subscribe to a very Descartes-es philosophy in that respect.

The poem alone might lose a degree of dignity from itself were the presence of the painting to be removed, but perhaps I would have gotten more from it if I did not feel as if I'm was confined to the restrictions of it's relationship with the painting. Then again, I could very well be missing a certain level of creativity between the poem and the painting that has a whole new form of creativity within it. Unfortunately, if that is the case, I will be resigning myself from this particular art form because it holds no particular value to me. Yet, I hold it to be still possible for such a work to inspire on a level that would change my current state of mind on the matter.

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