Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Paintings Response

I posted earlier about the trouble I have with understanding poetry. Thanks for your ideas Amber! I went back to the assignment and tried again. Reading these poems over and over I can pick out messages from the authors and meanings of the poems a little more, but the paintings in these poems really helped me. I think that without them I couldn't imagine what the Authors were getting at. From the paintings I was able to pick out my own thoughts on the poem. The poem made more sense to me having seen the paintings and I was able to look at it from different angles. For me I know I was able to better understand the peoms, but also to understand the paintings. The first painting was understandable, but Before the Mirror could mean so many things. Picasso is a little crazy and a poem about his art could be confusing, but with the words there I was able to understand it all.

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