Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Pretty Nervous

Not going to lie I am super nervous about giving my presentation. I have really enjoyed this class this semester. Mainly because of how insightful everyone has been during our discussions. You all have such a great minds! Which is why I feel a bit shy about giving my presentation. I am also looking forward to hearing everyone else's presentations, as I have learned a lot from everyone in our class. I also thought it might be neat or cool for everyone to share maybe their favorite comment or insight from our discusses this semester. I think I have two.

  1. Would have to be when we were talking about adrenaline and hurting people...after reading I think "Sweat". I will never forget when the guy in the back(sorry I can't remember your name!) said, "having an adrenaline high is the best kind of high I have ever had, I have broken people's legs and felt good about it after."(or something to that nature). I don't know, I loved his honesty.

  2. Would be when we were discussing "Silken Tent" I cannot remember who said it- but I wrote it down. There are things in our lives that seem to hold us down, our "ties". But as we grown and change we become bound to them with love. We only really notice them when they call attention to themselves. When they do call attention to themselves and we notice them, it's not because of resentment(like maybe before) but because we have changed and we notice them out of love.

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